Let's bigin!!!
1) Do you have any other blog outside this class?
YES 4 /NO 1
All people answered YES has it on MIXI.

2) What is most important thing?
Design 3 /Sentence 0 /Picture 2
3) Do you want to continue to write your blog?
YES 3 /NO 2
4) Did you enjoy writing the blog?
YES 4/NO 1
According to 3) and 4) , most of people in my class enjoyed making blog including me♪
5) What do you think about checked by strainger?
Good 1 / OK 4 / Bad 0
6) Did you introduce your blog to anyone who is not student of NUFS?
YES1 / NO 4
7) Did you use wikipedia when you write blog?
YES5 / NO 0
8) Have you ever checked famous people's blog?
YES3 / NO 2